March 2021 Update
08 March 2021
Dear friends,
This is my update for the spring of this year. I have sent the emails out using Mail Chimp since the first of the ROUND ROBINS , however this will be the last, since it is a very expensive method , so in future please keep an eye on my website And also the facebook page.
I continue from my November update 2020, Many issues are the same and many parameters have changed. Nothing I put in my last update has changed in it’s substance , However there is much more to look at. Please let me start with the questions fired at me all day long.
Q 1 )What is the difference between the vaccines as far as having them is concerned ?
A) They work in different ways, the nett result is essentially the same.
Q2) What about reactions to the jab,?
A)Broadly speaking , in adults, the older you are and the weaker your immune system is , as a result of ageing , the less reaction you will have .The tougher your immune system , the natural reaction of your immune system is to fight back more.
Q 3) Will the vaccine alter my body gene code and change my nature ?
A ) I have the great fortune to know a man who is an immunologist , for whose integrity I have the highest respect, he says “In cells , messenger RNA is a transient molecule that only exists to translate DNA into the protein sequence. The cells have enzymes that literally bind to the mRNA, attach the amino acid that is encoded and then destroy the mRNA as part of the process of moving along the sequence. Therefore it is impossible that human cells can change because of mRNA The British society of immunologists have a good section on their website where they explain the science.
Q4) How should I behave post vaccine ?
A ) Let the vaccine do the work , it is entirely natural that when your immune system is challenged, you feel reaction. REST, drink plenty of water , do not do a lot of exercise. There is a case for taking homoeopathic THUJA 30 c which can ease some reactions.
Q5) What about the tests ? Lateral flow ? P C R??????
The government move goal posts and parameters like changing socks. The LF tests were regarded until recently as relatively useless.
So, let’s define what they do. The lateral flow is designed as a quick test to try and establish whether someone is carrying infection and may need sending on for the GOLD standard test, the PCR.
Lateral flows are able to pick up Covid traces in someone who is actually showing symptoms or who is just about to do so. The widespread administration of these tests is to create a form of talismanic window dressing. You know the kind of thing,” I’ve had a test, I must be ok”.
A bit like people who think an MRI scan is in someway therapeutic. Better to vaccinate teachers than test kids who will pass it round like smarties with few showing a symptom. I went to the excellent Mayfield clinic in Oxford to do a PCR, I swabbed myself , since I can judge when the sinus has been penetrated far enough. Remember to keep the swab parallel to the floor of your mouth , it is not supposed to be a “ hunt the brain “ exercise. I am concerned about this nonsensical testing of children every few days, I sure as hell would not allow anyone , not medically qualified to shove a swab up my child’s snout !!!!
There has long been a discussion between TERRAIN theorists , keep the pond ecosystem clean and
the VACCINATION camp , vaccinate the fish against the environment. We need a mixture of the approaches, Keep your body and your children's well supported and running "clean" , whilst being aware of the environment !!!!!
The next area most asked about is LOCK UP ANXIETY, so many people have been really troubled by this issue. I think we have all gone a bit off the track of our normality !!!!.
Although , deep meditation and a still centre are the ultimate in defusing anxiety , in the immediate short term ,keep the mind occupied. Even whilst locked up , study something new, write a diary or start a book. Where possible walk outdoors, every bit of exercise helps to stimulate our HAPPY hormones , stretch , work up a sweat ,activate the body which calms the mind. is worth looking at for really heavy anxiety.
For your own work, look at the Bach flower remedies , old fashioned , but , still helpful.
Though our times have changed, the essential nature of humanity is much the same as it has been for a long time. My original teacher, Osteopath and acupuncturist , Eleanor Robertson,
Said to me when I was 17 , which is 50 years ago now , “ The absolute centre of a spinning wheel is the STILL POINT, the majority of people are living life on the outer rim of the wheel , running as fast as possible in the opposite direction to try and remain standing. The STILLER you become the more you gravitate to the STILL POINT, giving you more choice about volitional action and vision in a state of PEACE.
There is good evidence that people who follow a belief system , who have a religious or spiritual foundation , have more stability mentally than those who do not.
I find that having a belief system gives purpose. When asked by people what I think the purpose of life is , I say “ To return to God , whence we came and do as much good as you can on the way”.
I am a Christian , who practices Zen , Indian and Tibetan forms of meditation. I practice Aikido and various types of Tai chi , Chi gong , all designed to balance the system , enhance energy and clean the filter systems of the body.
My daily mantra at work is “KEEP YOUR FILTERS CLEAN “ Water to drink, eat half what you think you need and take twice the exercise you would like.
I hope we can clean up the debris from the pandemic, I hope the Chinese stop eating roadkill and fomenting the precursors to another pandemic. Those of us who eat meat , generally do so from farmed , well husbanded livestock, checked for parasites, viruses and TB etc, we do not eat a stew of wild animals.
Whatever the whitewash job of the WHO “investigation” the Chinese government are culpably liable. We have enough evidence in our country, and some , of contracts going to government cronies and massive waste with billions being spend on blind alleys. The Royal Marines have a motto called the 6 Ps, Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance .
The smoothness of the vaccine rollout is largely down to the Armed Services alongside the workers in the Health Service , not the machinations of “government”
I am sure that when all the dust has settled , no heads will roll, we will all be so glad to get out , all the dodgy dealing will be forgiven. Rishi will tax us to death, we won’t receive massive grants to do up our houses , but , there will be relative freedom , we hope.
Looking at the unorganised , profligate waste and bad planning we have seen recently , I nonetheless , cannot believe that our society is unable to find more than 1% pay rise for the NHS. I grant that the whole thing is top heavy , massively wasteful and inefficient, but the heart is full of good people doing their best and it should be recognised.
From the Rosedale perspective , the Ist lockup hit our infrastructure pretty hard, furlough of staff , yes , but no other grants etc. We are now building back gradually to work on the process of serving you better than ever.
We have not increased our fees for two years , so , there will be some change in fees on the 12 th April. The medicines are already costing us more from Europe, so they will need to be adjusted too. I always do my best to keep costs down and do remember that , we have to hand over 20% of our fees to the Government as extra tax in the form of VAT which state registered people do not. It essentially wipes out for us, what in any other business would be regarded as a reasonable profit margin. I do not regard my clinic as a business, it is there to serve people,
However there is a business side to making sure there is a good infrastructure to carry out the service in, so from 12 th April;
Follow-up appts will be….. £50-00
Homoeopathic drops ………£22-00
OTT drops………………………..£20-00
I have been doing a lot of work for people suffering from the “virus” and for those with Post viral fatigue, IBS, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome all results of having your immune system turned upside down. I have immense enthusiasm for getting out there and promoting good health as I am sure those of you who know me will be well aware.
I plan to be here for a good long time to come to serve you.
Call if you need help,
Best wishes,